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The Curse of Accidental Culture: How Losing Sight of your Values and Human Capital Kills Your Business

What does it take for your company to actually achieve its vision? It’s achievable, but more complex than you think.

In The Curse of Accidental Culture, Mike Amato teaches the four core principles that enable startups and corporations to transform business as usual.

If you were performing at your absolute best, you would have:


Loyal customers lining up to work with you and purchase your products.


The best and brightest talent competing for spots in your organization


A reputation for sector leadership, innovation, and creativity


A group of frustrated competitors wondering why they can't catch up


And of course, record setting profits

In other words profit would be a side effect that naturally arises from the combination of: amazing culture, customer advocacy, and systematic innovation.

But this isn’t a pipe dream. Mike Amato has a consistent track record of helping companies achieve their full potential. So if building this type of business is possible, why do so few do it?

The problem is clear: companies have overvalued short-term profits and undervalued the health of their culture. They’ve lost sight of what their customers and employees truly desire and are forced to look on as key performance metrics crumble.

We’ve all been there. When companies become hyper focused on profit, culture becomes infected by toxic stress. Executives, employees, and providers burn out, get hired by better heeled competitors or leave the industry altogether.

Trying to right the ship, the company responds by using tactical pricing to retain customers, but by now, it’s too late. Customers feel no sense of brand loyalty and they too jump ship when a more compelling offer comes along. Worst of all, employees are constantly trying to catch their breath, aware that one bad quarter or innocent mistake means the beginning of the end.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

    In Mike Amato’s flagship training, The Curse of Accidental Culture, business leaders learn how to transform their business from the inside out.

    Companies and teams will understand how to overcome the accidental culture that governs many organizations, where to place their focus for maximum ROI, and how to simplify decision making by committing deeply to their corporate values. The end result? Companies learn how to maximize profits by creating a magnetic culture, focusing on innovation, outpacing the competition, and attracting talent, investment, and partnership that they currently don’t have access to.

    So, how will The Curse of the Accidental Culture help your company achieve this? By training your teams to pay attention to four core elements:


      Vision and Strategic Alignment

      Most companies that bother to create a vision lose sight of it as they begin over focusing on profits. While this is seductive in the short term, it is guaranteed to cause trouble in the long term.



      What role are values really playing in your company? When companies learn to live by their values, stunning transformation occurs. It allows the company to create cohesion between itself, its employees, and its customers.


      Customer Driven Innovation

      Innovation is not about shaping the future, creating new technology, or rushing to market with a “minimal viable product.” Innovation is about caring more than the competition, forming meaningful relationships with your customers, and working harder – and smarter – to delight them. The good news is that innovation is also a lot easier than most executives realize. It’s a natural byproduct of effectively articulating vision, values, and strategy.



      It’s no secret that everyone benefits from a culture that enables teams and employees to flourish. And yet, job satisfaction and employee engagement rates are as disappointing as ever. This isn’t just sad, it’s dangerous. Culture enables all of the other business factors to work in harmony. Creating an intentional culture allows your company to evolve into a brand that people fall in love with. In The Curse of Accidental Culture you’ll learn actionable principles to help you revolutionize your corporate culture. In doing so, you’ll begin the process of leading and even redefining your sector.

      Mike Amato’s obsession with vision, values, and culture has enabled him to lead some of the world’s most respected financial institutions from middle of the pack competitors to category defining leaders.

      Interested in bringing The Curse of Accidental Culture program to your company and learning more about how you, your team, or organization can work with Mike?

      "I recommend Michael Amato to anyone who aspires to grow in their career and life, especially if they aspire to discover their potential.

      I met Mike in 2012 when he spoke at the Common Purpose – Leadership Without Authority event. Since then I have had the privilege of working with Mike as an executive coach. Mike has expanded my perspective and helped my business achieve results in a way that would have been impossible without him. This has enabled me to find myself, see my potential and stretch towards higher goals.”

      Berhe Woldu, Senior Finance Business Partner at The Challenge

      "When people ask me about you, I call you the heart and soul of the retail bank.

      They say no one man makes a culture, but I think in this case they are wrong as your unique connection to so many employees is genuinely inspiring to me.”

      John Benevento, Senior Group Vice President, New York